How do you unlock Braniac in Legi Batman 2 on the ds.

Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need. Nightwing appears in this game as a boss character and you can play as him in the free roam. We have 148 questions and 174 answers for LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. He is unlocked by doing a certain amount of side missions in the batcave.Unlike the other games, Nightwing wears his New 52 outfit other then his classic blue outfit that he wears in the other games. 4 Scarecrow (125,000) - in pumpkin (Amusement Mile) 5 Mad Hatter (100,000) - in front of the Harboring Theatre. 3 Harley Quinn (125,000) - in Funland Entrance. Nightwing returns in the 3rd game as an unlockable character this time. 2 Poison Ivy (125,000) - before you start the fight you have to clean chemicals on the gate using Aquaman or Robin in hazard suit. He has been largely downgraded to accommodate the large roster, such as his ability to equip different suits has now been replaced by just changing into the Robin character wearing the suit (of whom he shares his throw move). My Free Play Mode walkthroughs are also divided into. You choose what mode you want when you go to your file, and the modes are Hero Mode or Villain mode. It is rated 10+ for comic mischief, violence, mild language and tobacco refference. It features several new villains, a new villain hunt, and much, much more. At any point in Free Play Mode, you can save and exit to return to Gotham City without having to complete the level. LEGO Batman Begins is the third LEGO Batman game. In Free Play Mode, your goal is to find all of the collectibles. Nightwing returns in the sequel but is only available in the Hero Pack(DLC), he still has his own fighting style though he is unable to manually unequip the sticks (unless driving a vehicle). The game will then give you a selection of other characters to cover all of the abilities you have unlocked. He plays similar to Robin as he can use all of his suits. Nightwing is an ally of Batman and Robin and helps out in the Dynamic Duo's crusade against The Riddler, The Penguin and The Joker.